Chase T. M. Anderson:
First and foremost, I would like to thank the kids, teenagers, young adults, and families that I've been fortunate to work with in Muses. Collaborating with each of you has been a privilege and a gift. Years ago when I shared that there was the possibility of this program being created and those of you I was working with in fellowship were so enthusiastically on board, you helped this program happen. Each of you inspires me every day; this program is eternally for you.
I'd also like to acknowledge the pivotal role that UCSF and The Department of Psychiatry has played in helping support my career and this program. Being a Black, queer, child and adolescent psychiatrist in academia is still exceedingly rare, and to be at a university where I can be open about my own mental illnesses and health, speak openly about discrimination in medicine and America, be with the kids and families I love dearly, and exist as my full self has been life-saving. This thanks especially includes Drs. Jennifer Ly and Brittany Bryant, who, when they learned about the idea for this program were immediately on-board, and have been colleagues and friends I once only was able to dream of working with.
I am deeply grateful for my sister, mom, dad, relatives, mentors, friends, and colleagues. Each of you has helped me become the physician and person I am proud to be today, and that has come through you embodying yourselves and your values in life-changing ways. You all put so much of yourselves into those around you to better our society and heal hearts and minds. I am fortunate that we are part of each other's lives.
Years ago, I began to meet people who saved my life, who showed me I could exist happily as a Black, queer person in America. These friends and family who became chosen family created space where I experienced authentic and continual love, learned to share my love for others openly, and learned that my dreams of a peaceful world are seen and treasured. This program is named after our group nickname that started in college: The Muses.
Thus, to the Muses; Resonance, Serenity, Friendship, Wisdom, Fantasy, Trust, Drive, Listener, Truth, Passion, Emotion, Strength, Innocence, Optimism, Freedom, Beauty, Courage, Song, Growth, Protector, Mentor, Love, Peace, Shine, Fate, Faith, Hope, Lady Justice, Advocate, Confidence, Kindness, Determination, Unity, Champion, Bravery, and Leader, thank you for being chosen family and constant reminders of the world we can and will have through community.
This program was created to honor each of you, and I love you all.
Brittany Bryant:
Jennifer Ly:
Brady Hanshaw: